Sportello Unico Attività Produttive (S.U.A.P.) - English language

Sportello Unico Attività Produttive (S.U.A.P.) - English language informative page

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21 ottobre 2024, 12:10

The Sportello Unico Attività Produttive (SUAP) for Productive, Tertiary and Commercial Activities (S.U.A.P.) of the Municipality of Casalpusterlengo is the only public entity of territorial reference for all procedures that have as their object the operation of production activities, services and those related to localization actions, realization, transformation, restructuring or conversion, expansion or transfer, as well as termination or reactivation of the aforementioned activities including those referred to in Legislative Decree 59/2010, in relation to the territories of the Municipalities of BertonicoBrembioLivragaMairagoOspedaletto LodigianoSecugnagoSenna LodigianaSomagliaTerranova dei Passerini.

The S.U.A.P. Desk is the only interlocutor with the entrepreneur who wants to start a productive activity and oversees all relations with the offices (both internal and external to the Municipality) involved in the various phases that contribute to the start of the activity.

The services provided and the forms are available on the SUAP Portal of the Municipality of Casalpusterlengo and associated Municipalities, available at the following link:

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